Another Indiana Day
Here I am back in Indiana! It looks cold and windy outside. It was So windy Sunday that almost all of the beautiful leaves on the huge oak tree in the back yard were blown off. Sheri and Nathan came down for Bobbie's funeral--I cannot believe I am saying that--I and everyone else are just in shock--SHE CAN'T HAVE DIED! Sheri told me that she was going to stay a week with me and then she wanted me to go home with her--so I said okay. But then Nathan could not get an airline ticket for less than $300 .....SO.....we all loaded up and came to Indiana the next day! The tote bags I had carried to Bobbie's- I just piled into their car. Even a Vera Bradley tote full of my vitamins--THAT should present quite a predicament at the airport going home! They just better not throw out my 4ozbottle of Emu Oil that Bobbie and I found while reading the Market Bulletin one day! "hey, listen to this," Bobbie said, "Emu Oil--helps all kinds of arthritis pain--AND they live right here in Conyers," "Well give me the number and I'll call and find out about it!" I said. And, you know what we found out--it Really DOES work! Well, I'm sure Sheri and Nathan will figure something out. I seem to be getting stronger-not as shaky as I was when I first got here. Baby Grayson is helping a lot. He is making me smile and laugh! Today reminds me of the time that Bobbie and I came to visit Sheri. It was windy and rainy--a curled-up- with- a- book kind of day. Sheri and Nathan were working and we slept late. We were all cozy in our pj's and were playing Word With Friends on ONE iPad-passing it back and forth, when Sheri called and said, "Hi Mom, Stacy and I are on our way home!" YIKES!!!Bobbie and I jumped up from there-slung on some clothes-raked thru our hair-slapped on some makeup and just barely made it down the stairs when the girls came in! We probably looked like the Cheshire Cat smiling when we noticed that Sheri was NOT smiling. Disappointedly she asked "Mom, did you NOT make the spaghetti?" Bobbie and I looked blankly at each other asking "We're we SUPPOSED to make spaghetti ?" My gracious Indiana daughter smoothed it all over by reassuring us it was okay- she had some frozen food she could fix for her and Stacy. Of course, that was AFTER she told us she had asked BOTH of us if we would make some spaghetti for lunch and pointed out the noodles and sauce she had left ON THE COUNTER! Oh well, I probably don't need to tell you that we have never lived that down!! It rained on and off the entire week. Sheri thought that while we were there we could build a pergola!?!?!? Now, Bobbie said that I was the one who said "Sure we can", but what I remember was HER saying "Sure we can". Regardless of WHO said it--there we were trying to figure out HOW to do it! It rained SO much that all we were able to get done was to dig the 4 holes and set the posts before we had to fly home! There was a wonderful ending though. Nathan's dad sent one of his workers to help Nathan finish it and it turned out beautiful! PLUS, we discovered a very easy to use and unique hole digger--one you twist instead of jab! I will tell you though that when Nathan brought it out, Bobbie and I BOTH said, "No, we need a HOLE DIGGER--you know, it has two handles" BOY WERE WE IN FOR A SURPRISE! This hole digger has 1 vertical handle and 1 horizontal handle which you twist round and round! We could not believe how easy it was to dig those 4 holes! After we got home Bobbie got on the Internet, found them and ordered 2--one for her and one for me! I am trying very hard to keep my mind on all the fun things we did together. At the visitation, I met a man who said to me,"She always made a point to speak to me at church"--always had a smile for him, always made him feel important. WOW, how I wish that could be said about me--that I always made other people feel important! On Sunday night Sammy and I were staying at the hospital with Bobbie. She kept trying to get out of bed. She wanted to go home. She was scared. She was talking to Sammy about WHY she had to stay in bed and I heard her say "Hold Me". Then I saw Sammy reach down and pull her up to him and he just held her. I will always TREASURE that memory-it was so precious! Later as she was getting weaker and weaker, I witnessed another precious moment. I saw Kim take Kristi's hand and they leaned over close to Bobbie and said, "Mama, if JESUS is calling you, it is okay if you go--we will be okay." Not long after that she left this world. We all were with her--her husband, her children, her grandchildren, along with me, some of my children and others. I have a question for each of you who are reading this--if you slipped and fell going to get a pack of crackers like Bobbie did--if you met with death today--WOULD YOU HEAR JESUS CALLING YOU--or would you go out into eternity separated from God FOREVER? I urge each of you to really think this out NOW. Bobbie used to tell me "Connie, we have NO guarantee of tomorrow!" When the time comes for me -- I KNOW that I will hear my JESUS calling me and I will go to Him for all eternity-- for I belong to HIM! AND-- I will see my precious sister and we will sing in that Heavenly choir! There are many things about God and the Bible and Life that I DO NOT KNOW NOR UNDERSTAND-- but one thing I do know-- MY REDEEMER LIVES--JESUS CHRIST IS REAL--and when He calls me, I will go to Him. As I stood at Bobbie's bedside and watched as my dearest earthly friend , my wonderful buddy, the last thread of my immediate family left this world, I still stood in AWE of the God of this universe.
"When I consider Thy Heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained, what is man that Thou are mindful of him?...." Psalm 8:3-4. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
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